Long time, with sea!

Well, after quite a lot of business and craziness, here I am picking up the bloggy pieces. Life has been pretty interesting lately! How interesting, you may ask? Well, let me catch you up!!

(in random order and off the top of my head)

  1. sick puppy, poor Jasper! He got a ‘hot spot’ skin infection, which is usually allergy related, so we upped his allergy meds and now he’s fine. Worst part? 10 days of the cone of shame!
  2. sick puppy, poor Mickey! We found a ‘rash’ on his shoulder and after a very thorough physical (he was not excited by this whatsoever) looks like he has allergies too! (No kidding, he just walked over the laptop and sneezed as I typed that.) So now he’s on allergy meds. Fortunately, it’s the same medicine as Jasper so we can buy in bulk!
  3. We went on a cruise!!!!!!!!! 7 days of fabulousness in Key West and the Bahamas!! I would love to post a picture, but alas, DH got a new fancy camera and has yet to download said pictures. I’m not brave enough to commandeer it, so patiently, I wait.
  4. A Nor’Easter came through and blew our chimney/flue off the roof! A little reading up and a day off of work before the rain came into the attic and DH fixed this right up!
  5. Olympics/Ravelympics. I spent the winter Olympics being quite the fiber athlete! I participated in Ravelry‘s Ravelympics and completed the Damson Shawl designed by Ysolda Teague. I LOVE IT!!I also spun some yarn that I really hated at first, but then I thread-plied it and now I love it too!
  6. I went to the Harry Potter Exhibit with DH at the Museum of Science. It was so fabulous! This led to a weekend-long Harry Potter movie marathon.
  7. I got a new job. I haven’t actually started yet, Monday is my first day and I’m super excited.

That’s all the big stuff. Sure there’s more, but it’s all less interesting.

What’s exciting? MY NEW SECRET PROJECT!!!! I started it this weekend and I am loving it so far! I will give you a hint! No, no……two hints!!!!

One, it involved my newly-learned technique….tunisian crochet.

Two, I think my friend Kim is going to really dig it! (Yea, that will drive you crazy Kim!)